Why Study Communication at USI

In recent years, courses in communication have mushroomed, at universities and elsewhere. But the training offered by Università della Svizzera italiana has some unique characteristics and follows philosophies and approaches that can be summarized as follows:


1. Critical approach, “how and why”

Many communication courses want to teach techniques and "tactics" easily and immediately applicable. This approach is no longer sufficient in today's complex landscape. Our Bachelor in Communication proposes a "how and why" approach, in which practical and applicative skills (the acquisition of tools on how to do communication) are placed in a broader theoretical framework that aims to understand why current communication phenomena occur, the interconnections between the media, the economy, culture, and society.

This also requires a critical look at contemporary communication. Being critics does not necessarily mean being negative or pessimistic, but conscious. Our students must understand and debunk some of the myths linked to digital transformation, they must acquire knowledge so as not to be manipulated and indeed to guide new trends, they must be able to move easily in a constantly changing landscape. Finally, the Bachelor in Communication at USI provides a plural or "multi" approach. Just scroll through the curriculum to notice how multidisciplinary it is: it shows how communication is taught through different disciplines (from sociology to psychology, from economics to linguistics, from statistics to organisation studies, from law to history and many others) that combine technological, human sciences and social sciences approaches. Great attention will be given to multiculturalism, essential for understanding a world in constant change. In this sense, optional student exchange programmes with other international universities are a distinctive feature of the programme. Mobility and the wide range of languages offered also favours a multilingual approach: the programme is in Italian, but provides knowledge of the English language and the possibility of studying other languages.


2. Training that offers guarantees, unique opportunities and opens many doors

Communication studies are constantly changing, with new tools and new disciplines that have been recently introduced. Our Bachelor in Communication has been able to adapt over time, renewing teaching methods and faculty. Our faculty includes internationally recognised professors and among the best in their respective fields. In addition to this penchant for transformation, the Bachelor in Communication also offers long-term reliability because of its long tradition and its hundreds of graduates who are much appreciated in the industry.

Our Bachelor’s offers students unique training opportunities, with a study curriculum that enables the acquisition of several skills: learnings in the humanities and social sciences are complemented by language, cultural, technological and relational skills. At the end of the three-year course, the students at the Bachelor in Communication will have acquired a solid preparation allowing them to choose from a number of future prospects. In particular, they will be able to access the Master's degrees at USI and at other universities around the world, in the latter case with a number of study credits to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. They will also have the opportunity to interact from the very beginning with the industry, through masterclasses and collaborations with communication companies, thus enabling a smoother entry into the business world at the end of the training.


3. Student focus

Our Bachelor students will have the opportunity to attend the courses in small classes and to be in easy contact and dialogue with professors and assistants: USI can boast, in fact, a ratio of 8 students per professor. Alongside individual study, group work and workshops are key elements of our Bachelor's degree and an attempt to "train" students in teamwork that will then be central to their working careers. Personal tutors can be assigned to students who request them and want to be guided in the organisation of the study plan and in the preparation for the exams. Those who study communication at USI also have the opportunity to be involved in various research projects carried out by the Faculty's professors.

In addition to studying and research, students can also take advantage of the many services provided by the university: for instance housing, psychological counselling, sports, or careers, to be better prepared to enter the world of work. For the full list of services provided by USI please refer to www.usi.ch/en/university/organisation/administration-and-services.


4. “Strategic” geographical position: Lugano, Switzerland, and the chance to gain international experience

The USI Bachelor in Communication is offered in Lugano, in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, where Italian is the official language but multilingualism is a fact. Lugano is a city close to Zurich and Milan, thus symbolising the bridge between northern and southern European cultures. Its unique position allows therefore to enjoy the best of these two worlds and to offer students the opportunity to live in a diversity-rich international community.

Geographical positioning is also and above all essential to get in touch with different "styles" and traditions of communication. Our Bachelor’s also offers students the opportunity to spend an exchange semester in other prestigious international universities, to experience new ways of teaching, but also to further their knowledge of languages and get in touch with other cultural realities.


XXVIII Dies academicus

Academy of Architecture, Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Theology of Lugano

Business Ideas 2024

Academy of Architecture, Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Theology of Lugano