The return of The Betrothed: an interview with Prof. Stefano Prandi


Institutional Communication Service

18 December 2017

Corriere del Ticino has recently dedicated two pages of the cultural section “Sestante” by Carlo Silini to the lecture series on “The Betrothed” promoted by the Institute of Italian Studies (ISI).

In the two interviews, the Institute Director Prof. Prandi, talks about the ties between Manzoni and Ticino, and the strength of Manzoni’s literary language, as well as the first ten years of ISI, and news (also editorial) in the near future.  

The two pages also highlight the significant editorial collaboration with the prestigious Italian publishing house Leo S. Olschki. The collaboration will see the publication of various books divided into two series: "Officina", which will collect the most innovative Master's theses or Doctorate dissertations by young researchers at ISI; "Biblioteca", which will propose unpublished or long out of print works of particular cultural relevance. The first publications are, in the former series, “Pirandello e i moralisti classici. Erasmo, Montaigne, Pascal”, by Daria Farafonova; and, in the latter series, “Contributo ad una estetica della forma”, a graduate thesis on the great art historian Eugenio Battisti, and the essay “Del vento e delle comete” by the seventeenth-century astronomer Ovidio Montalbani, edited by Linda Biselo.

On the right side, the two pages of the Corriere del Ticino.