Thesis and diploma at the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society
Guidelines and documents are available at the following pages:
- final research paper Bachelor in Communication (in Italian)
- final research paper Bachelor in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana (in Italian)
- Master's thesis
- Next graduation ceremonies
November 18, 2024 at the LAC
Students who graduated within the October 16, 2024 are invited to attend the event.
- Duplicates
The degree certificate is issued to students only once. Should this original be lost or stolen, students should apply to [email protected]. The cost of the duplicate diploma is 30 CHF.–
- Certificate of authenticity
Degrees awarded by accredited Swiss universities (swissuniversities) such as the Università della Svizzera italiana, are in compliance with the Bologna Declaration and are therefore equivalents of the corresponding European degrees.
Academic qualifications obtained in Switzerland are generally recognised abroad, particularly in EU/EFTA countries, without the need for further documentation. In addition, there is a specific agreement with Italy on the mutual recognition of equivalences referred to the university field.
However, graduates of the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society who wish to do so may request a certificate of authenticity issued by the political authority of the Canton of Ticino by contacting:
Ufficio del controlling e degli studi universitari
Piazza Governo 7
6501 Bellinzona
tel. +41 91 814 34 76
e-mail: [email protected]
For use on Italian grounds, this document must then be countersigned by the Italian Consulate in Lugano (which is equivalent to certifying the authenticity of the document issued by the Division of Culture and University Studies) and can then be presented in Italy for formal recognition of the title as a specialist degree (equivalence).
If required, a formal certificate of equivalence with the title of another country can be issued only by the country in question. This applies to all European diplomas (ex: a German university degree and its equivalent of a French university degree). The ENIC / NARIC centre in the country in question will provide information accordingly.
Information can also be obtained from the contact point for the recognition of diplomas of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) of the Swiss Confederation.