The origins of the first Islamic Caliphate
Institutional Communication Service
3 May 2019
On Thursday 9 May, Hela Ouardi, professor at Tunis University, will give a lecture entitled La naissance du premier califat de l’Islam: une tragédie moderne. Professor Ouardi will talk about the origins of the first Islamic Caliphate and the ruptures and violence that characterised its foundation.
The aim is to provide a key for interpreting contemporary Islam, based on a new analysis of the Islam of the past through Sunni and Shia textual sources. She is the author of the Les derniers jours de Muhammad and of Les califs maudits: la dechirure (2019).
The talk, in the context of the series organised by the MEM Freethinking Platform “Beyond chaos. Geopolitical and cultural configurations of the Middle East Mediterranean” ( will be in French, in room A-11 on the Lugano Campus, at 6.30 pm.