Why philosophy, today? The World Philosophy Day with Achille Varzi, Anna Gialluca and Nicola Emery
Institutional Communication Service
5 November 2019
What is the role of philosophy in modern society? What are the answers that it can provide? The best method of inquiry is to exercise the use of philosophy. For this reason, the USI Master in Philosophy, the student association Ratio e Philosophie.ch, in collaboration with Aristotle College and the Institute of Philosophical Studies (Faculty of Theology Lugano), have organised the public conference “Esercizio di Filosofia” (Exercise of Philosophy). Save the date: 21 November, from 7 pm, in room A11 (Red Building, Lugano campus).
The event will feature Achille Varzi, Full Professor at Columbia University New York, in conversation with Anna Gialluca, Chief Editor of Casa Editrice Laterza.
The first guest, a world-famous academic, is also the author of numerous popular books; the second, through her work, often plays a role as a bridge between scholars and the general public. Afterwards, Nicola Emery will hold the conference: “Isola felice e catacomba. Sulla presenza del pensiero critico nella Svizzera italiana” (Happy place and catacomb. On the presence of critical thinking in the Swiss Italian-speaking region).
The conferences, open to the public and held both in Italian, aim to involve everyone interested in philosophy, and to create a moment of integration between the work carried out by scientific research and civil society.
The conferences will be held within the "Philosophical Days 2019" (click here for more information), organised as part of the World Philosophy Day promoted by UNESCO.