20 years after September 11: perspectives and challenges

Institute of Communication and Public Policy

Date: 10 September 2021

USI West Campus Lugano, Red building

The ASIS Intl Chapters Switzerland, Italy, Austria and France join forces for a series of panels by international security experts to discuss the significance of the terroristic attacks of September 11, twenty years later. This event is organised by USI Institute of Communication and Public Policy (ICPP), directed by Prof. Jean-Patrick Villeneuve.

It will take place at the Lugano Campus Red Building on 10 September 2021.

This series will be articulated in three different sessions:

Session 1 (9 am - 11 am)
Recall on 9/11, its context and the subsequent terrorist attacks
with Chiara Sulmoni, André Duvillard, and Joseph Billy Jr. Moderated by Luca Tenzi

Session 2 (11.25 am - 1 pm)
The war on terrorism and its successive impacts on business conditions
with Umberto Saccone, Franco Fantozzi, and Claudio Bertolotti. Moderated by Godfried Hendricks

Session 3 (2.15 pm - 4 pm)
The implications for companies of the security framework in place in Europe today to consider the residual/objective terrorist threat
with Johan Ohlsson Malm and Pr. Frederic Esposito. Moderated Nicolas le Saux

With the innovative “phygital” form, it will be possible to attend both in-person and online.