The winner(s) of the Prize for scientific contributions on issues of equal opportunities and/or diversity


Institutional Communication Service

16 September 2019

The USI Delegation for Equal Opportunities, chaired by Pro-Rector Prof. Daniela Mondini, has awarded for the second time the Prize for scientific contributions on issues of equal opportunities and/or diversity, which this year was conferred ex aequo to Jelena Budakovic and Sara Sermini.

Jelena Budakovic received the Prize for her Master's degree thesis "Using design for fighting gender stereotypes in digital storytelling for children", under the supervision of Prof. Monica Landoni, for the Master of Science in Management and Informatics. Jelena's work investigates how small changes in an interactive storytelling app for children can have a positive impact on gender stereotypes – at an age where many such stereotypes are typically formed. By having the app suggest non-stereotypical roles and activities for the protagonists, Budakovic finds that the stories created by children break the typical mold of “prince rescues princess, then marries her.

Sara Sermini, Institute of Italian Studies (ISI), was awarded for the article "Violence and resistance: Joyce Lussu’s minority revolution in trans-lation", which was published in the journal European Review of History. The study highlights the figure of Joyce Salvadori Lussu - an Italian writer, translator and political activist of 20th century - and her choice to give voice to minorities through her works and translations. Sara presents a critical, documented and authoritative reflection on the notion of violence from the point of view of women and on the condition of forgotten countries in situations of conflict and oppression. Her work provides a reinterpretation of literary translation as a form of resistance that, together with the reflection on the concept of minority, opens up perspectives for futher investigations that go well beyond the limits of the case considered.

The Prize of 2000 Swiss francs is granted to stimulate interest and promote the commitment of students junior academics of USI to deal with the issues of equality, diversity and inclusion, in all possible dimensions. At the same time, the Prize encourages the sharing of information and research projects concerning equal opportunities within the University.