Gian-Louis Hernandez is the winner of the Prize for scientific contributions on issues of equal opportunities and diversity 2021
Institutional Communication Service
20 September 2021
The USI Equal Opportunities Delegation, chaired by Pro-Rector Prof. Sonja Hildebrand awarded Gian-Louis Hernandez for the scientific article Racial Unspeakability: Affect and Embodiment in Swiss International Higher Education Institutions”, Journal of International Students, 11(S1), 108–132.
The author developed a new theoretical concept - that of racial unspeakability - to present the nuances of racial inclusion and exclusion in international university education. The article is distinguished because it raises a complex issue of racial unspeakability in a cultural and historical context, where past and present merge, and addresses a relevant and under-researched dimension of diversity from an innovative perspective.
Read the article
The Prize for scientific contributions on issues of equal opportunities and diversity, which consists of 2000 Swiss francs, is granted to stimulate interest and promote the commitment of students junior academics of USI to deal with the issues of equality, diversity and inclusion, in all possible dimensions. At the same time, the Prize encourages the sharing of information and research projects concerning equal opportunities within the University.
For more information on the Award for scientific contributions on topics of equality and diversity: