Archivi del Novecento - I labirinti del lettore


Institutional Communication Service

20 March 2023

The third series of "Archivi del Novecento" encounters will focus on reading, understood as an adventurous journey open to a plurality of paths and a dialogue with authors from eras and cultures that may be very distant and different from our own but which nonetheless turn out to be surprisingly close and topical. The series of lectures is the result of the renewed collaboration between the Institute of Italian Studies at USI and the Culture Department of RSI, with the contribution of the RSI Archives Department, and will be held from 24 March to 9 May 2023 at Studio 2 RSI in Besso and the Auditorium, Campus Ovest Lugano of USI.

The starting line is Italo Calvino, to whom the last meeting will be dedicated, who wrote with regard to the classics that "every re-reading is a reading of discovery like the first", but this can perhaps be said, in general, for that small world that is the book. Over the course of four evenings, four authors will be presented who have placed reading and the reader in the foreground, from both a creative and critical perspective, all memorable examples of a word and thought that have been able to make themselves heard and give form and voice to the presence of the other.

The first encounter, on Friday, 24 March, at Studio 2, will feature Anna Maria Lorusso from the University of Bologna, on Umberto Eco.
For the second lecture, on Thursday, 6 April, in the USI Auditorium, Marco Belpoliti of the University of Bergamo will talk about the writer Gianni Celati.
On Tuesday, 25 April, at Studio 2, Corrado Bologna (USI and Scuola Normale Superiore) will talk about the work of Jorge Luis Borges.
Lastly, on Tuesday, 9 May, at Studio 2, Giacomo Jori of USI will close the series with Italo Calvino.

All the encounters of Archivi del Novecento are open to the public, will start at 6 pm and will be hosted by Massimo Zenari of Rete Due.

More information in the attached poster.