IMCA Research Seminar - Soren Askegaard, University of Southern Denmark


Istituto di marketing e comunicazione aziendale

Data: 16 Settembre 2024 / 12:40 - 13:40

Aula 251

A Post-Anthropocentric Paradigm for Marketing and Consumption in the Anthropocene


With the point of departure in two recent papers (Askegaard et al. 2024; Remy et al. 2024), issues of post-anthropocentric nature-culture relationships and their impact for consumption and marketing will be discussed. The focus will be on the paradigmatic implications of biosemiotics as a way to understand the continuity of life processes between human and other species.

Askegaard, S., Bajde, D. &  Arnould, E. (2024). “Post-Anthropocentric Transformations of Consumption in the Anthropocene: Beyond the Nature-Culture Divide”, in E. Weik, C. Land & R. Hartz, eds., Handbook on Organizing Economic, Environmental and Societal Transformation, Berlin: de Gruyter, 49-67.

Rémy, E., Roux, D. Arnould, E., Askegaard, S., Beudaert, A., Galuzzo, A., Giannelloni, J-L. & Marion, G. (2024), “Look up! Five research proposals for rethinking marketing in a post-growth society”, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, English Edition, 39(1), 73-93.


Dr. Søren Askegaard is professor of consumption studies at University of Southern Denmark in Odense, and founder and director of the Market & Management Anthropology program. He served as associate editor at the field’s leading journal, the Journal of Consumer Research between 2008-2014. Educated from Odense University (MA, PhD) and University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne (DESS), his research interests are in the field of consumer culture theory (CCT). Current research projects include cultures of health and health services and post-anthropocentric ontologies as remedy against climate, extraction and biodiversity crises.